Our world as we know it has changed seemingly overnight in the wake of COVID-19.

While social distancing and quarantine efforts serve a greater cause, to flatten the curve, it’s easy to get and stay sucked in by worry, uncertainty, and fear.

Cabin fever might make you and everyone in your household irritable hence being intentional about your time indoors can mitigate discomfort and go a long way.ย 

1. For those with families – Enjoy much needed time with the children by finding creative ways to spend time indoors or outdoors if weather permits

2. With most people telecommuting and working from home, this gives you more time back. Enjoy this time by getting much-needed rest and sleeping in later than usual or going to bed earlier

3. Complete tasks around the house that you never seem to have time for. Example closet organizing, sorting through clothes, etc

4. Enjoy quality time with your significant other – get creative with indoor dates. Call and check in on loved ones.

5. Work on your side hustle or passion. The thing you love but never have enough time to dedicate to it. This is your time to build and bring your passion to life

6. Take a time out and slow life down – relax, watch movies, take naps, take long baths…do what feels good as you rejuvenate

7. Play catch up – there is always something to do – work for online entrepreneurs, homework for those in school, your endless to-do list.

8. Perfect time to fast since you’re home for a few days

9. Media break/detox – It’s easy to waste even more time on social media or in WhatsApp groups time-wasting. Schedule social media time like you would a meeting and avoid going over the limit.

10. Read/listen to a book, watch a documentary, self-development webinars…learn something new that will leave you a better person by the end of the quarantine

11. Do something new – go for a long walk while listening to a podcast, crosswords, sudoku, family games, etc Immerse yourself in finding a solution for a problem you’ve been putting off due to lack of time.

12. Do something for you – meditate, workout – did you sign up for #burn30hiit – My home workouts? This might be time to jumpstart your workout regimen. How about using the time for silent time, gratitude time, do some soul searching, self excavation – answer the question who are you, without using labels (mother, wife, student, manager, boss…) who really are you? What makes you tick and why?

Time is a finite resource and regardless of what’s going on in the world, it’s still ticking and tocking away. Don’t let this time go to waste, it just be might be the time you needed for your personal breakthrough.

Stay focused on what’s important, stay positive and most importantly, stay safe ๐Ÿ™‚

Which of the above are you doing or can you begin doing? Share in the comments below.

Also, are you on Instagram? If so, please connect with me and don’t miss the Q&A session on IG stories that will expire on Sunday afternoon -> instagram.com/fitkenyangirl

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