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November’s Sexy Shoulders + Arms Challenge
Happy November! This month’s challenge is all about getting those arms toned and sexy for the holidays!For toned arms several muscles must be worked namely biceps, triceps and shoulders and guess what? You can perform the workouts from the comfort of your home! What...
Quick Tips For Flatter Abs
Looking to get flat abs?? If so, there are a few tips to remember. The most important thing to note is that flat abs are not just about doing hundreds of crunches. Don’t make the mistake of only focusing on exercise and neglecting other areas that need to be tended...
Four Moves For Firmer Arms
Want to increase the shape and definition of your arms? If so, it’s vital that you are strength training correctly. Too many women rely strictly on cardio training to try and change their body and unfortunately this is a futile effort because cardio training will...
Losing Weight Post-Pregnancy – What You Should Know
After giving birth to your new baby, the first thing on your mind should be making sure that you tend to every single one of your baby’s needs. Beyond that however, once the initial period has passed, you may start to feel some anxiety over your current fitness and...
The Ugly Truth About Sugar
Sugar. It’s something you need to avoid. But, what’s really so bad about sugar? And, how much sugar is acceptable? A Primer On Glucose The first thing to realize is that all carbohydrate rich foods will be broken down eventually into glucose, which is another name for...
The 10 Day Detox Program – The Ins and Outs
I began detoxing a few days ago after I started working out and eating clean. I detox twice a year, usually at the beginning of the year right after the holiday festivities as a way to purge the crazy holiday eating and a time to give my digestive system a break from...
Losing Weight During Ramadhan
Being back in Kenya and having friends fasting for Ramadhan motivated me to write about how to keep the scale from tipping during the holy month. Ramadhan would actually be the perfect time to shed some weight and keep it off if managed correctly given that there is a...
How Long Before You See Your Abs?
Everyone asks a why their tummy isn't reducing or why they aren't getting abs - Ladies we all have different body types and carry weight differently. If the tummy is where most of the fat is stored then that's that area takes the longest to get flat. Others might...
Happy Mother’s Day
We only have 1 and mothers are indeed special! Every mother's day I like to love on mine to remind her just how special she is! Why do I love my mother? Despite having to drop out of high school in form 2, because my grand-parents couldn't afford to meet her...
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