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BAKE Awards – Best Health Blog 2015 – I WON!
The Bloggers Association of Kenya held the Blog Award Gala on May 2nd 2015 at the Intercontinental Hotel Nairobi, Kenya. I was humbled to be a nominee and ecstatic to win Best Health Blog 2015! I began blogging in 2012 and at the time had no idea how much the...
May – Drop It Like A Squat Challenge
What's the craze about squats? The answer is pretty simple - They are the ultimate booty building exercise and them some! Other benefits of squats include: They are a functional exercise that helps in performing real life activities and promote balance, mobility,...
Why 21 Days of Change?
Simple....It takes 21 days of repeatedly doing something to make it a habit! Don't believe me? 21 days of waking up at 6am and on day 22 going froward, you will never need an alarm clock to wake you up, because your body gets reprogrammed to be up at 6am. This was why...
Beans: What No One Told You
I grew up loving and enjoying rice+ beans. Everyone knew that beans, and lentils (dengu) are rich in protein...but wait... Lets take a closer look to the nutrition facts: 1 cup or red beans: 219 calories - 16.2 grams (56 calories) from protein, 39.7grams (162...
Myth Buster: Fruits Do NOT contribute to weight gain
If you’re not physically active, over-eating fruit can contribute to massive weight gain. Yes fruits have a lot of fiber and many wonderful nutrients but this doesn’t mean you solely depend on them for all nutrients. How about veggies? Veggies are extremely low in...
How Long Does It Take To Lose Weight?
Everyone wants to long will it take before I can lose this weight? First let me start by saying that weight loss is not the same as to fat loss. I reiterate this because the number on the scale is only a slight glimpse of what's going on with the body...
The Event – Premier For A Cause: Weighted – Inspired By Fitkenyangirl
March 28th 2015 in Atlanta, GA - Different parts of my life converged to become a beautiful and purposeful afternoon. Atlanta, Georgia - 2008 - Nuru Center - I was introduced to Shem Orwenyo, a kenyan who also worked with me at AT&T at the time. Shem talked to me...
My FREE ebook: Eat Right To Get Your Body Tight
This was my free first e-book published in June 2014. It serves as a guide to anyone that doesn't know the first thing about clean eating. Im constantly questioned about why I gave the e-book away for free vs selling . - The guidelines in my book are already things...
Perfect and healthy breakfast in 60 seconds!
Healthy foods are contain simple, untainted ingredients. Here is the recipe for one of my favorite breakfast shakes. INGREDIENTS: 1 scoop protein powder,1/4 cup dry raw oatmeal, 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter, 1 cup water.......BLEND...DONE! Perfect breakfast in...
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