Simple….It takes 21 days of repeatedly doing something to make it a habit!

Don’t believe me? 21 days of waking up at 6am and on day 22 going froward, you will never need an alarm clock to wake you up, because your body gets reprogrammed to be up at 6am.

This was why on January 5th 2015 (16 weeks ago) I created a the women’s only Facebook Group called 21 Days of Change.

The group’s premise was simple – I would provide a monthly challenge that lasts 21 days build upon it every single month.  The monthly challenges also create synergy and have the group working together towards a common goal while keeping each other motivated. I also wanted the group to be an environment where women could privately share their frustrations, questions, concerns etc and my goal was to be of assistance.

 To date the group is a huge success and continues to grow and become a well know Kenyan Facebook group.

To join this forward moving women-only community please click here or click the link below Jane Mukami’s Free 21 Days of Change Fitness Group.


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