Your genetics are not a life or death sentence…
I’ve met a lot of people who believe they are overweight, diabetic, big-boned because it ‘runs in the family’. This is NOT true, your family history simply puts you at a higher risk of developing disease or being obese, IF you chose to NOT live a healthy lifestyle. Choosing means no excuses! It doesn’t matter what your family history is, you can break the cycle by simply changing your habits.
What Is your body saying to you? Where do you carry excess weight?
Genetics dictate body shape and body type.
Your body shape is determined by the amount of fat stored in different body parts. These body types include apple, pear, hourglass as shown below

Your body type is a different way to classify bodies based on how fast or slow one loses or gains weight/fat or muscle. The 3 bodies are types…

Ectomorphs – lean bodies, can eat anything and look the same. Tough to add muscle or gain weight
Mesomorphs – Natural athletic bodies. Can lose weight and build muscle fast
Endomorphs – Carries higher levels of fat, gains weight quickly and losing weight is difficult or very slow
Most people have combination body types with the upper or lower body having 2 different characteristics such as endo-meso. The bad news is we cannot change our body types and shape. An apple shape can never be an hour glass shape
The good news – our body shapes and types are not death sentences, we have the ability to enhance or improve the way we look by managing our weight. The less fat we carry the better we look and the healthier we are
Different body types and shapes have to adhere to different nutrition and workout guidelines in order to maintain or achieve goals
My client’s picture below shows an obvious apple shape when overweight but once she lost weight she looks very symmetrical.

My pictures show that my default settings are endomorphic – I’m actually an endo-meso – with the upper body set to not gain much weight and when I gain weight it’s all on my belly and hips. I naturally gain fat fast, hence why I chose a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain a healthy weight, feel good and stay healthy.

Good nutrition habits/eating clean is instrumental in keeping weight in check. In the case of working out, different body shapes and types MUST work out differently in order to improve their weak areas.
What is your body type and body shape? Share in the comments below π
PS: If interested in learning more about how to work out for your body shape and body type, check out Workout 101. In this ebook, I speak in deeper detail about all body types, body shapes and provide gym and home workouts for each type. There is also high-level nutrition for each body type and shape. Click link —>>>> workout101.janemukami.com <<<<< for more info. You can make an online payment on the website for immediate delivery of ebook or simply send 2000/= to buy goods 272786 and give 48 hours for e-book to get delivered to you.
I try my best to loose weight bt I keep on gaining, pliz help
Me tooπ’π’π’π’π’have tried like everything,have done the 10dy detox..have starved myself ..buh all I do is gain..have completely given upπ’π’
Thanks Jane. I’m an endomorph, my arms ooh my arms ,such a struggle
Thanks for the info losing weight requires a lot of discipline en maintaining the clean eat
Waoo thanks for the information, l have learned about body types and shapes where l didn’t know.
I am an endomorph and it’s so frustrating my arms are my biggest challenge
Thank you for the post Mukami. Mine is endomorph.
Hallo Jane, mine I think I have apple shape, but losing weight on my stomach and manyama on my muscle en waistline is very difficult, last month was checked B.M.I and the result was obese 76.9kg, when I started following you 2017 I had 82kg at least I have lost almost 6kgs, but still obese, I really want health body, my target is to get 68kg.
For the longest I believed that genetics are hard to break…with my arms being most stubborn to loose weight coz my mum’s arms are so huge. Thanks for this info…
Body shape pears
Body type Endomoph
My body shape is endo-meso.
I tend to gain more fat on my belly and hips areas.
I think l am pear shaped. I gain fat in my chest, abdomen and hips and arms. An endormoph definitely
I av been trying to lose weight but in vain, what shall I do
am an ectomorph
Body shape Apple
And type Endomorph
I can’t even describe my shape but I only gain wait in the upper parts of the bordy leaving out the hips and thighs
Will my belly ever be flatπ₯π₯π₯π₯π₯
Thanks for the information am a pear shaped I will try ma level.best to loose weight
Am endo-meso, I gain and lose weight fast. I can dictate where to lose weight with a timeline, with a work-out type. My lower body responds quite well and I have to keep a strict diet for upper body results. My gym instructor enjoys working with me esp when i resume work-outs after a weight gain π , coz they see results.
Thanks Jane.
thanks for sharing this.now there is hope
Its quite encouraging. Thankyou
I am most definitely pear shaped and an endormoph and most of my fat is stored in my belly and hips. Been trying to loose for the past few months and the progress is very slow especially the tummy fat.
I’m definitely apple shaped and endomorphic. My only fear is if i loose weight and my chest sticks out! I have very big burst area. I am not sure if that’s all fat since most of my family members have big boobs anyway. Is that still a genetic issue? or can i loose that too…
My body right tow looks like Jane’s in the before photo. I gain fat around the stomach and thighs. Current weight 70kg. i sniff air and i add weight!! ha ha! Looking to lose upto 15kg (yes, to be 55kg to max 60kg). Weight lose is like trying to hike a mountain backward!!
I’ve even considered going vegan.
i think i am an endomorph i have high levels of fat, i gain weight quickly and cat the fat at a very slow rate
So encouraging thanks alot Jane
It’s been a journey. Weight loss has been a longer journey than the gain
I think I have some fat around my waist line my waist is 33/ 34. I honestly don’t know my body type
Am an endomorph and am really struggling with my arm. π’
Very interesting information.Ave tried so much to loose weight without any good out come.this may help me in starting the process once again.Thank you
I wonder whether my belly will ever be flat
i believe i am endo-meso as i tend to gain weight around my belly and hips, my upper especially arms are always lean and i thank God for that but i want to loose weight and stay healthy.
Very encouraging.. Thanks alot
Thanks Jane. I have learnt much. I believe am going to be a testimony too.
Endormoph that’s me even by just looking at food boom weight gain.
Thanks for the information Jane
Thanx for the I information sweetheart
Comment…my body shape is Apple
body type is Endomorph
Body shape pears
Body type Endomoph
Am struggling with weight loss thanks for encouragement
you’re welcome Tosa π
I’m an endomorph n time to I try clean eating but I rarely loose any weight. I’m not too active in exercise coz I get tired very quickly…..how do I get better
Thanks alot, quiete informative
Thanks for the info,I think I am Endormorph I add weight so fast and not easy to loose.I gain weight around the stomach and arms.
Thanks for the information Jane, am glad I have known about the body types that I didn’t know, am enlightened, now I know.
i am ectomorph i used to have a flat tummy nowadays i have big tummy
Hi Jane this thing is not opening I really need to read coz I suffer from genetical weight gain I need to know what to do to loose weight
I believe my body shape is an Apple help me what kind of work out do I need to do to get ride of belly fat I am very active walking 1:45minuts five say in a week I am still struggling to reach my goal.
Thanks for the great information and am glad now I know my body type thank again for encouraging us but wonder if this belly would be flat once .
Thanx for information
Thanks Jane,,i’m actually an endo-meso. As i was growing in my teens i looked ecto but was proved wrong when i started gaining weight gradually in my twenties. This year i learnt that the fats were stored on my belly,arms and also started developing love handles. i did a 10 day detox and boom,was back in shape. A healthy diet and working out matters.
Thanks alot.am an endormorph
am endomorph
Thank you for the information,am an apple with broad shoulders
thanx so much or the info Jane, am now more informed
Hi Jane. I try as much as possible to loose weight but j don’t. Its like I keep adding. Please help
Comment thanks for the information.
Thanks for info Jane,I have learnt types of bodies !mine is mesomorph.
Thanks Jane for the information,seems I gain weight around the tummy only.Am really trying to work on it.hopefully I will achieve the look I desire.
Pear shape and Endormoph thats me.I wish to lose weight on my belly and arms.