5 years ago (June 2nd 2014) after muting and ignoring my soul tag or calling for years, and with lots of fear, I took a leap of faith and launched my health and fitness brand. My purpose was simple – to transform women’s bodies and lives just as I had experienced from my personal journey that began in 2008.

I wanted to give women hope by letting them know that losing weight and transforming their bodies as possible and that they could achieve their #bodygoals #dreambodies as long as they were willing to commit to doing the work & that they had access to the right tools.

I wanted women to understand that weight loss is far more transformative than the physical. That once you lose weight, you will experience an awakening of sorts – increased energy levels, reverse disease, boost confidence, self-love, the way you FEEL. Weight loss changes who you become and how you show up in your marriage/relationship, at your job, your money, how you deal with stress….it changes how you show up for life!

5 years later…..
– I’ve quit my corporate job (a year ago) and committed to serving women on a higher level.

– I am a health coach and have created a proven and effective weight loss coaching program that delivers real #transformation from the inside out, without the need for working out or eliminating food groups (carbs)

The pictures below are before and afters of some of my January to April 2019 cohort/coaching program. They are proof that weight loss IS POSSIBLE and I celebrate these women as they begin a new chapter of their lives

Terry has lost 22 kilos, no more swollen feet, doctor has cleared her from mild high blood pressure and is happy fitting size 10 from 18.
Jemima went from a size 20 to 14 while breastfeeding her baby
45 year old Esther has been working out for many years but couldn’t lose weight and her belly was her biggest problem….from a size 22 to 12, 93 kilos to the mid 70’s and completely eradiscted high blood pressure!
An example of body types that ONLY stores visceral fat in the belly but not other parts of the body, Sally lost 7.5 kilos above in 6 weeks.
Eunice was breastfeeding her 1.5 month old when we began the journey and is back to her pre-baby weight and fitting into size 6.
Restoring health and well being was the primary goal for my dear friend Fiona who ails from fibromyalgia. She’s been able to lose over 11 kilos and fit into clothes she hasn’t worn in a long time.

Are those results inspiring or what?? How would you like to be my next success story?

I am enrolling new clients for the July 2019 program. Please follow the process by signing up for your strategy session at visit btp.janemukami.com

Enrollment closes on June 15th OR whenever slots fill up, whichever comes first. I look forward to YOUR transformation!

Note: My weight loss coaching program is available to You regardless of what country you’re in #global. The only requirement is that you have access to the internet.

Show some love to my awesome students for working so hard by dropping a comment below ๐Ÿ™‚

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