Working out is all about being physically active. I like to think of it as intentionally engaging in a physical activity with the aim of increasing calorie burn for health reasons…but that just my twisted definition 🙂

The words physical activity and working are synonymous (to me) the only thing that might differ is intensity.  

Here are top 10 reasons why you don’t workout:

  1. You don’t have no time –  Like anything else in life, you must MAKE the time. Time will not miraculously open up in your busy life. You MUST make working out a priority and if it means waking up earlier to workout or foregoing those daily social lunches with your buddies at work for a quick walk/run…then so be it. 
  2. You find it or think of it as boring – Your attitude will dictate your level of success. Going into physical activity with an open mind works wonders. Once you form the habit you will begin to immensely enjoy working out.
  3. You don’t know how to – If you’re a beginner and have no clue where to start begin by doing some research. If you don’t have time for research, then hire an expert that can guide you on what to do.
  4. You lack energy and/or motivation – Fatigue and low energy can both be reversed by an activity as simple as taking a 45 minute walk 3 to 4 times a week. Motivation calls for you to have a good reason that will keep you committed to your physical activity. 
  5. You think you’re too old – There is no age cap on being physically active. Just find an activity you enjoy and get started! The more physically active you are, the more benefits you will reap as you age.
  6. Your back, knees (athritis) or other body parts hurt – Your conditions do not exempt you from physical activity. Engaging in physical activity can help shed excessive weight and alleviate symptoms which will make you feel much better over time.
  7. Your current physical condition is discouraging – Do not let your current state discourage you. Thoughts such as “I am already too over weight there is nothing that can be done” should be replaced with positive ones such as “I can get start working towards a better goal today”.
  8. You don’t have access to a gym – Working out is not confined to a gym. You can go for a walk, workout from home, the park, play with your children, hiking, cycling, swimming, dancing, out door running….the list in inexhaustible. You simply need to find an activity you enjoy and that you can commit to perform consistently. 
  9. You tried to workout but did not get any results – Losing weight is a journey. It takes time, patience, consistency and commitment. It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Give it 12 weeks. Don’t Quit!
  10. You’re thin and don’t need to workout – jus because you are thin doesn’t mean you are except from staying physically active. Studies have shown that thin people are prone to accumulating visceral fat – fat stored around your internal organs -and can still suffer from lifestyle ailments such as high cholesterol, heart attacks, high blood pressure etc and diabetes. 
Here are some of the many benefits of working out:
  • Release of endorphins also known as ‘feel good’ hormones that make and keep you happy
  • Reduces stress and lifts depression
  • Improves self confidence and alleviates anxiety
  • Sharpens memory, prevents cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Taps into creativity and improves learning
  • Improves your sex life 
  • Improves digestion
  • Keeps dementia and osteoporosis at bay
  • my personal favorite – keeps you young! 

The goal is to make working out or being physically active a lifestyle. To do so, you need to follow these 4 rules:

1. You MUST BE consistent – don’t start and stop…start and keep going. You might slow down and take breaks but don’t totally fall off. 

2. You MUST Make the time – If your health is important, you will make the time

3. You MUST PLAN It – Failing to plan is planning to fail. Schedule your workouts just as you do your meetings.

4. You MUST aim to DO YOUR BEST – When you get to it regardless of how tired or unmotivated you might feel…Give it your all!!

Going to the gym and using a rowing machine although important is only a small piece of the staying healthy puzzle. The larger piece is making sure you only consume good quality food such as lean cuts of meat, vegetables, natural starches while avoiding the bad stuff such as processed/man made foods, fried foods…etc


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