Water Is life

Water is the most under rated yet extremely important beverage ever.  Most people believe that drinking soda/pop, juice and other drinks compensates for water intake. As much as it might contribute towards it, It also contributes to consuming a lot more calories...

Derailed by a cup of Joe

  After a great workout this morning I decided to stop by Starbucks to grab my regular cup of joe aka a tall bold cup of black coffee. As always, I activated my ‘see-no-evil’ glasses that mentally shield me from the ever-tempting goodies (cookies, cake, scones...

Fitness Sabotage

Some tough love coming your way – Enough is enough! You’re tired of the extra weight that’s running your life! You snore heavily at night when you sleep and wake up feeling exhausted! Your wardrobe is limited to stretchy/spandex type clothes!...