Knee-Pain Know-How: What To Do To Prevent This Injury

Knee pain is perhaps one of the most frustrating injuries and sadly, is an injury that plagues far too many women. Knee pain will sideline you in a hurry, rendering it nearly impossible to continue on with the workouts that you have planned. Fortunately, the great...

December’s Carb Cycling For Holiday Prep Challenge

December is here…..and so are the Holidays! The Carb Cycling challenge will be carried out for 21 days in order to prepare for the damage that most of us will do during the holiday season! The best way to stay ahead of the game is to prepare before hand and come...

How To Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

Just found out you’re pregnant? Thoughts of how you can maintain your health and fitness level during pregnancy could be beginning to surface. While you can’t – and shouldn’t ever try – to prevent the changes that are taking place in your body right now, you can work...

November’s Sexy Shoulders + Arms Challenge

Happy November! This month’s challenge is all about getting those arms toned and sexy for the holidays!For toned arms several muscles must be worked namely biceps, triceps and shoulders and guess what? You can perform the workouts from the comfort of your home! What...

Quick Tips For Flatter Abs

Looking to get flat abs?? If so, there are a few tips to remember. The most important thing to note is that flat abs are not just about doing hundreds of crunches. Don’t make the mistake of only focusing on exercise and neglecting other areas that need to be tended...